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ABOUT Durham's Baby Cafe 


Mission Statement

To offer comfortable space and knowledgeable support for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their babies and families, as well as to raise public and community awareness on issues of health, wellness, safety and nutrition through the provision of meals and workshops, maintenance of a community garden, and other community projects.

Vision Statement

Durham's Baby Cafe envisions improving ultimate health of communities by empowering people to make informed choices about their pregnancy, birth delivery options and milk food source for their newborn infants.

Founder & Executive Director
Rev. Diann Holt

Rev. Diann Holt worked for New York State Office of Children and Family Services, as a Children and Family Services Specialist (MG), Minority Group Specialist for 25 years, retiring in September of 2015.

Her education crosses over a myriad of disciplines, she is a Nurse, Health Educator, Community Health Worker (Diabetes and Breastfeeding), a Certified Lactation Counselor, Dona Trained Birth Doula, a Trained Health Phaith Talker, a Social Worker, Chaplain and Minister of the gospel. 


In 2003 she organized and started Durham Memorial AMEZ Church Nurses Guild (health teaching ministry) under Pastor Rev. Richard G. Stewart. And, in 2008 she started a Health Ministry known as Operation H.E.A.L (a project which promotes Healthy Eating and Living), a vegetable garden known as the Garden Of Stewardship, which supplies fresh vegetables for Durham’s soup kitchen and now it also supplies fresh veggies to Durham’s Baby Café.   



Rev. Diann is an ordained Elder of the AME Zion Church. She was ordained a Deacon and then an Elder by The Rt. Rev. Dennis V. Proctor, Presiding Prelate. Her Ministry is operated out of Durham Memorial AMEZ Church under Rev. George C. Woodruff. She opened the very first Baby Café of any kind, for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in New York State on April 4, 2013. Durhams Baby Café humble beginnings started in the soup kitchen when a young mother was attempting to fed her 3-month-old infant from a tray of food in the soup kitchen. Through this outreach ministry Rev. Diann has provided services to (305 infants)their mothers, fathers, siblings and family supporters and the numbers continue to increase.


Nevertheless, Rev. Holt desires that you know that none of these achievements are about her, because they could not have ever been achieved without the Lord, his grace, mercy, love, and favor.  As well, she stands on the shoulders of countless numbers of volunteers and supporters

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